Recover ~ Reduce Inflammation ~Boost Metabolism

How to maximize
contrast therapy benefits
Boost your metabolism - Stimulate your brown fat w/ cold exposure.
Recommended plunge weekly schedule: 2-15-2
Do a 30 minute contrast therapy session 3 times per week.
In each session plunge for 2 minutes, then heat up for 15 minutes in the infrared sauna, then do a second 2 minute plunge.​
Please note:
If you are unable to submerge for 2 minutes, just do what can. With consistency, your body will adjust and you will be able to stay in longer.
While it is ideal, it is not necessary to submerge up to your neck. Submerging up to your waist will still stimulate your brown fat.
Do not submerge for 11 minutes in one plunge, as there is a risk of hyperthermia).
​What is Brown Fat?
Brown fat, also called brown adipose tissue, is a type of body fat that keeps you warm when you get cold, by generating heat (via shivering). Brown fat is located in various parts of your body, including your neck, shoulders, back, kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, and chest.
When you expose your skin to cold, your brown fat “activates,” using glucose and fat molecules from your blood stream to generate heat. This increases your metabolic rate because energy is used and calories are “burned” during the process.
Try our Contrast Therapy Membership
Three 30 minute sessions per week.
Minimum 3 month membership.
Auto pay commitment.